Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Get Your Ideas by Reading Magazines etc.

Every tuesday, it's a must for me to buy Manila Bulletin, a local broadsheet here in the Philippines. I can't miss an issue of one of it's content exclusively every tuesday, the "Picture Perfect". These journal awoken me with my real interest in life, photography. Even if I am an Engineering student and I have no owned camera because I can't afford one right now, I still can't keep but to love photography. Thanks to that journal. That's why I am planning to take a short course about that field, if time and money permits me to. But no matter what I will pursue it.

So why did I mention those things? I just want to point out something to you. Even if many excuses are present to prevent you from hitting that goal, you are still positive and enthusiastic to pursue it. That is what you call "passion". So do you pursue your blogging career? Even if your earnings is still as less as the the memory span of a goldfish, even if you do not have internet connection and you are just renting a computer for some hours to publish your articles. That's it! So whatever reasons your situation has, if you still feel the enthusiasm, just continue pursuing it. And when you hit the jackpot, it is what you call "real worth it".

So I mentioned that I discovered a bit of myself from reading broadsheet. This is to encourage you to read also, magazines, newspapers, and other reading materials in your home. Maybe you could find out that topic which you will blog about enthusiastically. Good thing also about reading is you can recycle ideas from an article you've read. For example, last month I've read an article from a magazine with a title, "7 Struggles of a Teenager". So the title seemed very far and seemed nothing to do anything about my blogs, but I got a bright idea. That title gave me an article to work on, "7 Struggles of a New Blogger" , which I already published now. I just recycled its title by relating it to my blog. You can also publish an exact article from magazines, just don't forget to acknowledge the magazine and the author of the article. But still nothing can win over "originality". Original works are still the best. Magazine etc. can give you ideas so you may not run out of articles to publish. Just try to be resourceful and creative.

These are the three important words in this article,

Originality, it is how genuine you work is. Original ideas are fresh to others, thus, it can caught ones attention and interest. So more potential readers for you.

Resourcefulness, is your ability to recycle and get ideas from other articles, to make it original as your own. The good thing about this, when you recycled an idea of another blogger especially when that blogger is popular, is you can caught his or her attention. Positively, that blogger can introduce your article to his readers, and this can result to more potential audiences of your blog.

Creativity, is your ability to be resourceful and original. By your creativity, you can think of another idea from an article and also you can produce original ideas to publish. Therefore, your creativity is very important in your blogging career. Creativity can be developed by reading magazines, newspapers, etc. So keep reading. Don't forget, "Reading is Creating".

So far, nothing to say more about the helpful magazines, newspapers, ect., its now up to you to explore the things inside it. Just remeber the words, Originality, Resourcefulness and Creativity. May you find the perfect topic to match your enthusiasm, and may we publish the article that will pull us great traffic.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) by AdSense Beginners

On my first weeks using Google Adsense Program, I have so many questions in my mind.
So to put all these questions into answers, I joined the Google AdSense Help and Support Group.
Here you can post your questions and when other knowledgeable members read your post they might answer completely or but sometimes answers still hangs you in blur. As I post my questions, I noticed that I'm not the only one asking it. Most beginners and I have same things in our mind. That's why I decided to collect the Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) by us in using AdSense Program. I did not answer some questions in the list, instead I will lead you directly to a link where these questions are clearly answered.

1. Why is my AdSense account still unapproved?

Its been a month after you sign up into Google AdSense Program, but still you can not sign in your account. When you do so, a dialog appears and says that your account is still in the approval process. If this is your situation, don't be discourage when I tell you this, some find it very lucky to be approved for just a few days, some in a week or two. But don't have self-pity, some also has the same situation as you and some even worse. As I've encounter, a user waited eight(8) months before his AdSense Account was approved! Yes eight months. I hope that you won't wait as long as that user waited.

There can be some reasons why your account is still unapproved, first check back your entries in signing up in AdSnese. Maybe your address and zip code did not match. Another reason, maybe your site sontent is not worthy to be granted by AdSense. AdSense considers of a content that can be marketable, contents that can fit and correspond to their ads. Maybe your site content lacks that. So before you sign up, make sure that your site has a satisfying content. Another reason, maybe AdSense detected that you just copied your site's content from another site. You just changed some of it's words and the sentence structure, but you can not fool AdSense. They are really smart to do that. In rare cases, one really did not copied his or her content from another site, but has almost the same information from an already existing site. To prevent that from happening and to make sure that the content of your site is genuine, go to, and check the originality of your content. Other reasons can include bad site name and AdSense's incapacity to accommodate more publishers at the moment.

So the best thing to do is just to keep on waiting, if you can still wait. If you can not, you can try other Advertising Programs which offer same grants as AdSense. But you should now consider the factors above, so you won't be rejected anymore. Just try and try, with hard work and passion, you can hit that goal.

2. How and where can I get paid?

This question probably is the most frequent and the most annoying one. As if we already have money to recieve. But you really can't keep but to asked it even me, because it is really our goal, to make money blogging. So if that is really your question, then answer could be found at the Payment Guide.
There are three payment options that AdSense can offer including checks, Electronic Funds Transfer, and Western Union Quick Cash. Some payment option are not applicable to some country. So the first thing you should check there is if a particular payment option applicable to your country. So other questions
about getting paid will be answered in the link, so check it.
Payment Options

3. How can I get the ads?

To have the ads, you should first get the HTML code as you sign in to Google AdSense.
Go to Advance Setup> Get Ads. Your can choose there three Ad type, Ad Links, Google Search and Referral. Choose one then follow the steps,
Choose Ad Format and Colors > Choose Ad Channels > Save and Get Ad Code . Modify the way you want your ads appear in your site and lastly submit and get the codes. After you finished the steps, AdSense will give you the code. So the last thing left for you is to paste the code. Where and how?
Usually, I paste the codes using two ways. First method if you are using, follow these steps, click Template or Layout > Add Page Element > HTML/JavaScript (click add to blog) > finally, paste the code to the Content. For the second method, visit the Code Implementation Guide

4. Can I have more than one site?

As long as you have the code, you can paste it in as many sites you have.

5. How can I put my site in the search engines?

You should verify your site first in the Google Web Master Tool
More information in Webmaster Guidelines
Now you can add your site's URL with Google Add URL
Read more at How do I add my site to Google's search results?

6. Why did my site disappeared in the search engine?

In most cases the reasons why a site disappears in the search engines are first, Google detected that your site's content was just copied from another already existing site. To check the how genuine your site is, go to CopyScape . Another reason is your site wasn't updated for a long time, thus, you should keep updating your site for at least once a week.

For more possible reason go to
My site's no longer included in the search results.

Read more at How do I add my site to Google's search results?
Read more at How often does Google crawl the web?

7. Can I use Google Adsense with other Advertising programs?

Of course you can, but first consider this facts,
- Adding another Ads from other Advertising Programs may lessen the clicks of your AdSense Ads, which will result to a lessen AdSense earnings.
- Some codes provided by other Advertising Programs almost has the same structure as the one that is provided by AdSense, which may result to disappearance of Ads.

So are all your questions answered? Or do you still have some things bothering your mind. Don't be hesitant to ask me. I might answer it. Just leave your comment.

Next blog>>> 7 Struggles of New Blogger